The Golden Sax VIP serves as both the performer and staff catering area as well as an exclusive 'members only' club. It's location is on the berm overlooking the performance bowl and memberships available for sale to the public are capped at just 100 persons.
2021 amenities include:
• Club Hospitality Tent - Designated as non-smoking, the tent features plenty of tables and chairs for both rain or shine coverage.
• Buffet-Style Meal Service - One full meal per day is included featuring different menu offerings each day. Free donuts, pastries and fresh fruit each morning.
• Complimentary - Self-serve coffee, soda and bottled water.
• Reserved - Deluxe portable toilets.
• Camp Chair - Leave it with us each evening and take it home with you at the events conclusion.
Ordering Information:
To order, complete the form click here and mail to us with the appropriate funds. Sorry, no online ordering available for this package. Please use one form per person. Orders are accepted and processed on a first come basis, no later than 7/31/21. Your Golden Sax VIP pass (and event tickets if also ordered) are mailed by 7/15/20. All other amenities will be distributed at the Golden Sax VIP registration area.
No refunds, exchanges or transfers after 7/31/21.
Main Stage VIP area
VIP Bathrooms
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